
Grade 9 Number System MCQ

1. The decimal representation of a rational number cannot be


2. If

\sqrt{3}= 1.732, then \, the \, value\, of\, \sqrt{25} + \sqrt{75} +\sqrt{108}-\sqrt{243} \,\, is


3. If\, x\, =\, 9\, +\,4\sqrt{5} ,\, then\, the \, value\, of\, \left ( x\, +\, \frac{1}{x} \right )\, is


4. If \, a\, and\, b\, are\, rational\, numbers\, and\, \frac{5+2\sqrt{3}}{7+4\sqrt{3}}\, =a-\, b\sqrt{3},\, then\, find\, a\, and\, b.


5. The \, value\, of\, x\, in\, \sqrt{5+\sqrt[3]{x}}\, =\, 3 ,\, is


Question 1 of 5

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